Saturday, July 13, 2024

America's Covenant with God!


Did you know our nation made Covenant with God?

The day was April 30, 1789. It was a day of making covenant with Almighty God for the United States of America.
A proclamation was made for the sacred gathering at Federal Hall in New York City. "Come and see your first president take his oath and pray that God will accept this land as His."

At 9 AM, the bells rang throughout the city. George Washington, age 57, took his official oath of office in New York City. He laid his hand on the the Bible (and not merely just upon the Bible)--he specifically opened it up and laid his hand on the covenant God had made with Abraham in the book of Genesis, Chapter 17. Then, lifting his other arm toward heaven, Washington made a vow to lead our nation and honor the God of Israel and His Covenant.

After Washington invoked his oath and covenant and sealed it with "So help me, God." he bowed his knee to the ground in reverence and kissed the Bible.

Afterward Washington called the senators and newly elected officials to join him as they walked arm-in-arm down the streets of New York City to St. Paul's Chapel. There they bowed together and prayed. They dedicated this land, our beloved America, to God.

The day Washington was inaugurated as our first president, was the day that covenant was invoked. AMERICA BELONGED TO GOD ALMIGHTY.

So the first act of our US Congress was to make covenant with Almighty God.
Let's remember and RENEW COVENANT this month of July 2024!

And be sure you're registered to vote for godly leaders in this year's critical November election! God cares about the plight of the unborn and Biblical marriage and gender under such attack in our country. Stand with us in prayer and action!
(Resource Kenneth Copeland July, 2024)

Our Charleston Brides Book 6, The Gamekeeper's Reluctant Bride is now on pre-order sale on Amazon. Grab for $3.99 now to make sure your copy comes into your inbox on its release day, September 10, 2024!

She fled from a gilded cage, only to find herself trapped in a marriage of obligation.


Hugs and Blessings,

Elva Cobb Martin
 is a retired school teacher, a mother, and grandmother who lives in South Carolina with her husband, her high school sweetheart, Dwayne. She grew up on a farm in South Carolina and spends many vacations on the Carolina Coast. Her southern roots run deep.

A life-long student of history, her favorite city, Charleston, South Carolina, inspires her stories of romance and adventure. Her love of writing grew out of a desire to share exciting love stories of courageous characters and communicate truths of the Christian faith to bring hope and encouragement. She always pauses for historic houses, gardens, chocolate, and babies of any kind.

Link to her books on Amazon
Connect with Elva

Tuesday, February 6, 2024

Valentines' Giveaway: Enter for 29 free Historical Romances and Kindle Fire!

Howdy friends,

Hope this finds you well and blessed and READING some good novels. Been a while since I blogged but I had to clue you in to BookSweeps wonderful Valentines' 2024 Giveaway which also features my Book 5, The Lieutenant's Secret Love.

Enter to win 29 free Historical Romances, including my Book 5,
The Lieutenant's Secret Love, and a free Kindle Fire! Enter by clicking below and signing up for my newsletter--and/or other authors newsletters on the list of romance books below. Enter by VALENTINE"S DAY! What have you got to lose??     

     Click here to enter the Giveaway! It'll redirect/send you to the right page!

Here's the Amazon link and blurb for my latest novel, The Lieutenant's Secret Love.

An exposed family secret changed her life forever and blindsided his Marine heart.
From the day Hannah was abandoned as a newborn, her adoptive parents have kept the truth of her origin from her and her siblings. But when that secret is exposed, a threat arises which forces her to leave the only family she’s ever known and the adoptive brother she adores. She must start her life anew in Charleston.
U.S. Marine Lieutenant Adam White, harbors a secret—more confidential than patrolling the Caribbean for French corsairs, more threatening than the fight against Barbary pirates in the Mediterranean. Adam carries a personal, burning secret in his heart. He's fallen in love with Hannah since discovering she is not his blood sister. And the thought that she might only ever see him as her loving big brother may be the greatest threat to him yet.
As the Charleston men seek to win Hannah’s heart, she never loses touch with the man who had been her older brother. The man her heart can’t help seeing in a whole new light. But when Adam’s Marine squadron sets out for the Mediterranean and the shores of Tripoli on the most dangerous mission of his life, only God can keep him—and their love—alive.


Meanwhile, this winter I am finishing Book 6, The Gamekeeper's Reluctant Bride which should be released later this year. You won't want to miss this final romantic adventure in the  Charleston Brides series with my handsome hero, Gideon Falconer, and the feisty Charleston belle, Helena Allston. 

Have a blessed Valentine's Day and rest of winter is my prayer for you.

Forever Pro-Life,
Elva Cobb Martin

Elva Cobb Martin
 is a retired school teacher, a mother, and grandmother who lives in South Carolina with her husband, her high school sweetheart, Dwayne. She grew up on a farm in South Carolina and spends many vacations on the Carolina Coast. Her southern roots run deep.

A life-long student of history, her favorite city, Charleston, South Carolina, inspires her stories of romance and adventure. Her love of writing grew out of a desire to share exciting love stories of courageous characters and communicate truths of the Christian faith to bring hope and encouragement. She always pauses for historic houses, gardens, chocolate, and babies of any kind.

Link to her books on Amazon
Connect with Elva


Saturday, April 15, 2023

READERS ALERT! Locks, Hooks and Books: Blog Tour and Giveaway: The Lieutenant's Secret Lo...

Locks, Hooks and Books: Blog Tour and Giveaway: The Lieutenant's Secret Love: About the Book:  The Lieutenant’s Secret Love Author:  Elva Cobb Martin Genre: Christian Historical Romance Release date: April 11, 20...

An exposed family secret changed her life forever and blindsided his Marine heart.

Monday, March 6, 2023

Heroes to Die For

By Elva Cobb Martin  

Doesn't everyone love a real hero? Of course, I live with my favorite hero, my hubby of quite a few years. Then there's our law officer son we put in the same category and a grandson who may very well fit the bill one day as well. 

As an inspirational romance writer I love to find pictures of possible heroes to consider as I create a novel.  Here are a few of my favorite hero photos, past and present, one which shows a likely heroine as well. Which one(s) strike a creative cord in your writer's heart?

Here's a picture I envision of my Marine hero, Adam White, in my historical romance, The Lieutenant's Secret Love, releasing April 5, 2023.


What's not to like about Tyrone Power--in any role--but especially as a pirate?

Would you vote for Colin Firth and his roles in Jane Austen novels? 

Philip Winchester is this hero's name, I think. Wonder what kind of gun is he holding? Hope he doesn't pull that trigger or he will surely break a lot of hearts.

Eddie Matos has a deep, deep look that          
makes one want to know more of his story! Whatever
it is, I think it will include some pain, and maybe revenge.

Of course Tim Tebow is a modern hero in every sense of the word.....                                                

Here is the picture I chose for Joshua Becket in The Sugar Baron's Governess, released in August, 2022.

Here is one I imagined for my hero, Samuel, in The Sultan's Captive. Can you guess his name?

There is a lot more to a hero than a photo. In my next post I want to explore some of the characteristics I like in a hero. How would you make this list for a hero? Is there a different list for heroes in inspirational novels than in secular novels? You bet there is. Thanks for stopping by and I'd love to have your take on my "heroes." Is one your favorite?

Feel free to share this blog by clicking on the small icons below.

Happy, Blessed Spring!

Elva Cobb Martin
 is a retired school teacher, a mother, and grandmother who lives in South Carolina with her husband, her high school sweetheart, Dwayne. She grew up on a farm in South Carolina and spends many vacations on the Carolina Coast. Her southern roots run deep.

A life-long student of history, her favorite city, Charleston, inspires her stories of romance and adventure. Her love of writing grew out of a desire to share exciting love stories of courageous characters and communicate truths of the Christian faith to bring hope and encouragement. She always pauses for historic houses, gardens, chocolate, and babies of any kind.

Link to her books on Amazon

Connect with Elva

Tuesday, September 6, 2022

Need Help with Conflict? Check out This New Conflict Thesaurus Writing Guide!

 Guest Blog from Angela and Becca!

New Conflict Thesaurus II!

I always get a bit excited when a book I’m 
waiting for finally releases, so it’s great to finally share that The Conflict Thesaurus: A Writer’s Guide to Obstacles, Adversaries, and
Inner Struggle (Vol. 2) is now out!

This SILVER EDITION is the twin of the GOLD EDITION, and continues to explore all the ways we can better leverage the conflict in our story.
If you are new to these “thesaurus” books, each one is part writing guide, part brainstorming tool.

The first part of this book dives into how conflict powers your plot and is the golden threat that weaves your inner and outer stories together. It also digs into how to craft great villain clashes, character agency, how to maximize tension, what goes into a satisfying story climax, and more.

The second part of the guide is a mother lode of conflict scenarios (115 to be exact) built to get your imagination thrumming with ideas. You must see it to believe it. 

Writers Helping Writers is hosting a Writing Contest! 

I’m part of Angela & Becca’s Street Team, and I have news:
Writers Helping Writers is hosting a Writing Contest! A book about conflict needs a FIGHT CLUB Story Contest, right? Exactly! So if you want to show Angela & Becca how good your conflict-writing
skills are, check out this contest and see what you can win.


Angela and Becca are also hosting a must-enter giveaway. They’ve filled a vault full of their favorite writing books and are giving away some digital 5-packs, winner’s choice! So much fun. Make sure to head over and enter, and good luck!

Have a blessed Fall!

Tuesday, August 23, 2022


Grab while it's still on pre-order price!

A strange thing happened while writing this novel!

Friends, when first beginning The Sugar Baron’s Governess, my precious husband booked a week for us in a condo at Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. This was to help me concentrate on my plot storming—without the “do me” call of our vacuum, washing machine, or phone calls at home. Of course, he likes to fish from a pier while I’m writing.  

            The first morning I sat at the dining table overlooking the Atlantic, with my laptop. Busy researching Jamaica, and especially the historic Maroon settlement of warriors and escaped slaves in the mountains that might play a part in my story, I stopped to pray. I asked the Lord to help me get a good start on this fourth novel in my series. Should I even be including the fierce Maroons in my plot?

             A knock came at the door. I had opted for no cleaning service, so I was surprised to be interrupted. When I answered it, a pleasant black male employee asked if we needed any cleaning done or fresh linens. I almost gave him a short answer, wanting to get back to my laptop, but my ear discerned a British accent. Here’s our amazing conversation:

          “Where are you from?” I asked him.


            Surprised,  I opened the door and invited him in. “That’s most interesting. I’m writing a novel set in Jamaica.”

             His dark eyes widened. “You are?”

             “Yes, in fact,” I gestured to my laptop, “I’m right now researching a group of warriors in historic Jamaica, called the Maroons. Know anything about them?”

             His mouth fell open. “I’m a descendant of the Maroons.”

 A tingling chill shot up my arm. How likely was this kind of timely meeting to happen? He further told me he never worked the fifteenth floor we were on. But for whatever reason, he’d been assigned our floor that day. He told me was a Christian, and he shared several things with me about the Maroons and how they finally won their independence and rights the British government of Jamaica had long withheld. At times, because of their desperate existence, they did hurtle down from their mountain strongholds and burn sugar plantations, as history records.

 I decided I had a definite confirmation to include the Maroon warriors in my Jamaican story. They are instrumental in convincing my hero Joshua Becket to turn back to God when his life and plantation are sorely threatened. Whoops, there I go giving away some of the story!  Hope you enjoy Joshua and Abigail’s exciting, romantic adventure in Jamaica. Can they survive and make it back to Charleston and a happily ever after?  Here's the back cover blurb, and below that, some pics I used to imagine my heroine and hero!

She needs a new start. He knows a reckoning is coming.

 Banished from Charleston for his misdeeds years earlier, Joshua Becket built a new life on both sides of the law in Jamaica. As sugar plantation owner and member of the governing British Assembly, he’s known and respected on the island. But he guards a secret identity. As swashbuckling Captain Jay, he leads daredevil privateering exploits on his ship, the Eagle, when the mood suits him. Currently, he needs a governess for his young daughter whose mother has passed.

 Widowed gentlewoman Abigail Welch accepted the governess position, leaving behind her disintegrated life in Charleston. This new start in Jamaica might finally help her find healing for her broken heart after losing her husband in the Revolution and their infant son to yellow fever.

 Joshua’s precocious, undisciplined daughter is the drawing card that brings him and Abigail together like clashing cymbals of disagreement...and fiery attraction. Can love and the miracle power of God give them a new beginning and a happily ever after?



Widowed gentlewoman Abigail Welch. 

Joshua Becket in his secret role as privateer Captain Jay.

Joshua Becket in his dual role as Jamaican sugar planter.

                           Joshua's Rockford Plantation Great House in Jamaica as I imagined it.

This is actually Rose Hall in Montego Bay, Jamaica. There is a story, a legend connected to this house, often told by the Jamaican people to their children and to anyone who will listen. It's a story of intrigue, murder, romance and betrayal. It's the tale of former owner, Annie Palmer, who became known as the White Witch of Rose Hall. You can find the story by googling that title.

I hope you're enjoying the continued summer fruits--watermelon, peaches, and tomatoes, like we are here in South Carolina. Are you also finding an opportunity to hike in the cool mountains? Below, my hubby and I are hiking in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park near Gatlinburg.



Elva Cobb Martin is a retired school teacher, a mother, and grandmother who lives in South Carolina with her husband and high school sweetheart, Dwayne. She grew up on a farm in South Carolina and spends many vacations on the Carolina Coast. Her southern roots run deep.

A life-long student of history, her favorite city, Charleston, inspires her stories of romance and adventure. Her love of writing grew out of a desire to share exciting love stories of courageous characters and communicate truths of the Christian faith to bring hope and encouragement. She always pauses for historic houses, gardens, chocolate, and babies of any kind.

Link to her books on Amazon

Connect with Elva

Tuesday, October 12, 2021

A New Writing Guide for You! The Conflict Thesaurus (+Giveaway) Guest Blog

Howdy Writers and Friends!

It's always fun when there's good news to share, and today is one of those days. You may know Angela Ackerman & Becca Puglisi, the authors of The Emotion Thesaurus. Well, I'm a big believer in the helpfulness of their books and so joined their Street Team for The Conflict Thesaurus: A Writer's Guide to Obstacles, Adversaries, and Inner Struggles (Vol. 1). It's just released, and I am so excited to share a bit about it, and a super fun event, with all of you!

The Conflict Thesaurus tackles all the ways conflict can be used to build tension, push the story forward, raise stakes, and pressure characters to do whatever it takes to win. The guide dives into over 100 conflict scenarios and how each can be adapted to challenge a character inside and out. Problems, Moral Dilemmas, Ticking Clocks, Obstacles, Challenges...say goodbye to writer's block, weak plots, and unmotivated characters. If you need help in any of these areas, check it out.

Now speaking of challenges, I have an important question to ask you:

Can You Survive Danger as Well as Your Favorite Protagonist?

Let's face it, as writers we're always doing bad things to the protagonist. We put their loved ones in danger, force them to make impossible choices, and worse. But wouldn't you like to know how you'd fare as the protagonist of a story?

Let me put it another way: if you were in the hot seat, could you handle the pressure? Would you make good decisions, or bad ones?

It's time to find out by taking the Conflict Challenge!

Become the protagonist in a special story Angela & Becca have created using scenarios from The Conflict Thesaurus. And heads up, if you survive, you win some cool stuff!


While you're trying not to die in the Conflict Challenge, make sure to enter Angela & Becca's Conflict Thesaurus release day giveaway, too. But hurry - it ends October 15th.

So, take the challenge...if you dare. And don't forget to come back and let me know how you did against Camp Deadwood!


Writer Friends, I hope you enjoyed the above guest blog about Angela and Becca's new release, The Conflict Thesaurus. I have been so blessed with their thesauruses and know they have helped my writing succeed.

Love and Blessings,

Elva  (cuddling a baby goat at my sister's farm)

Elva Cobb Martin is a multi-published author, mother and grandmother who lives in upstate South Carolina. She is the president of  ACFW-SC Chapter. All her historical Christian romance novels have spent time on Amazon's 100 Bestseller's list for Women's Religious Fiction. She loves all small cuddly things, chocolate, and exciting stories from history. 
Link to her books on Amazon
Connect with Elva
and Facebook/ElvaCobbMartin