Patty Smith Hall, Lynette Eason, Diana Flegal |
Yvonne Lehman leads her classes on plotting and editing your novel.
Patty Smith Hall shares how to get published with Love Inspired.
Diana Flegal had packed classes with her First Pages read aloud workshop and her class on today's publishing environment. Carol Award-winning author Lynette Eason led sizzling classes on writing suspense and how mastering deep POV can solve a lot of show versus tell problems.
What subjects, classes would you like to see offered in our next Fiction Workshop? Do you have a favorite speaker who lives on the southeastern coast? Are YOU available to speak on certain aspects of fiction?
Thanks for dropping by and do leave a comment! Hope you have a wonderful, blessed Christmas!
--Elva Martin
Elva Cobb Martin is a freelance writer and Bible teacher. She is president of the Upstate SC American Christian Writers' Chapter and 2014 president of the new American Christian Fiction Writers South Carolina Chapter. She has been published in Decision, Charisma, and Home Life and is currently working on an inspirational novel. She lives in Anderson, South Carolina, with her family. She can be reached through her web site and she blogs on the Golden Age of Piracy and other writing topics at You can reach her on Face Book and Twitter @Elvacobbmartin.
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