Monday, July 21, 2014

Review of MaryLu Tyndall's Abandoned Memories

In this Book 3, Abandoned Memories, in her Escape to Paradise series, MaryLu takes us back to the Brazilian colony of Southerners who left the South after the Civil War.

The colonists have found their escape most definitely has not landed them in paradise where the living is easy. Their lives are filled with hard work, many dangers, natural enemies, and not a few supernatural ones. In fact, this book reminds me of the spiritual warfare we found in This Present Darkness.

Despite all the dangers, labor and spiritual warfare in Abandoned Memories, we still find a sweet love story between two very human and broken people, James Calloway and Angeline Moore. Not only do they have to combat all the various terrors that attack the colony, including huge army ants, they have to overcome their own past failures to find true love.

This is a great read if you love adventure laced with courage, romance, and mighty spiritual principles.

I found the Epilogue and Author’s Historical Note at the end of the story most satisfying and another confirmation of MaryLu’s diligent research she always puts in her novels.

I have no doubt this whole series would make a great movie. Bring it on!

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